TAM - Total Addressable Market

23 Million Opportunities!!!

two people sitting during day
two people sitting during day


All sessions are online. There are no geographical limitations whatsoever. And will soon be adding w/s in multiple languages


Serviceable Obtainable Market is the portion of SAM that you can capture. So in theory TAM = SAM = SOM for painless24.com

Can SAM be equal to TAM?

It is upto you to De-Limit your SOM

As per Wikipedia, there are 56.1 million millionaires in this world. More than 50% of them speak English.

You have 23 Million opportunities, you decide your own TAM

Why your HNI audience will love Painless24.com

  • Painless24.com provides instant relief from various orthopedic pains.

  • Based on easy-to-use futuristic technology.

  • Social Proof from top-notch billionaires.

  • Ease of Access - Service can be accessed on the go from a smartphone/laptop etc.

  • Facility to take demo/trial of instant pain relief in the very first session.

  • There is nothing dearer to HNI than good health.


What is your HNI client looking for -

  • Time-tested and reliable products and services to solve his biggest problem.

  • Your help to overcome his real fears.

How Much do You wanna make on Auto Pilot Mode?

In the USA, the typical price for a Total Knee Replacement (TKR) procedure is $50,000 per knee or $100,000 for both the knee.

However, we are pleased to offer your audience a cost price of just $15,000. Moreover, when your audience applies the Discount Coupon Code (DCC), they can enjoy a generous top-up of 100% time duration, e.g. pay for 3 months but continue for 6 months.

And it is not a question of $15,000 for a single leg or both legs, BUT it is a matter of saving very highly valuable, scarce resource and that is "Very Precious Time" of your HNI client.

Tentative - Hypothetical Example

Similarly, You Make -

Knee Pain - $54,000

Slip Disc - $54,000

Foot Pain - $54,000

Calf Pain - $54,000

Heel Pain - $54,000

Neck Pain - $54,000

Back Pain - $54,000

Angina Pain - $54,000

Migraine - $54,000

Stress / Depression - $54,000

Total/MO ~ $500,000

Total/Year ~ $5 Million plus

This is a hypothetical example and the final payout will depend on the bookings you get... Please go through the Terms & Conditions

NOTE - Only Knee Pain and Slip Disc workshops are available for sale as of now.

Institutional Sales

Institutional Sales starts at $24,000 per year, you get a flat commission of 7%. Your corporate client gets 50% extra time for applying DCC.

Why is PAIN an Extremely Urgent & a Very BIG Problem

  • Swift recovery and regained mobility are universal desires.

  • Everyone prefers to minimize time spent on treatment.

  • Fast results are highly sought after.

  • Clients who are bedridden yearn for an immediate return to normal life.

  • Who does not want a pain-free life?

Despite significant expenses, these desires often remain unfulfilled. But now, you have a solution to offer your client...

  • Let's take e.g. of Knee Pain

  • You get $60 per Trial booking

  • You get 10 Trial bookings per day

  • You Make ~ $18,000 / month

  • Knee Pain - 3 Months Workshop

  • You get $600 per booking

  • You get 2 bookings per day

  • You Make ~ $36,000 / month

Knee Pain: 18000+36000 = $54000 / Month

Mentorship Program: Your Jet Pack

  • Let's assume Tom has joined using your affiliate code -

  • Per Trial booking, Tom gets $60, and you get 30%

  • Tom gets 10 Trial bookings per day

  • Tom Makes ~ $18,000 / month, while you make $9000/Month

  • Similarly, if 10 people join using your code and are actively working you make $90,000/ Month - from Knee Pain Trial Workshop


  • Tom gets 2 booking daily for 3 Months Workshop of Knee Pain

  • Tom gets $600 per booking, while you get $300/booking

  • Tom makes $36,000/month while you make $18,000/month

  • Similarly, if 10 people join using your code and are actively working you make $180,000/ Month - from Knee Pain three months Workshop

    TOTAL per Month

  • You make $90,000 + $180,000 = 270,000 / Month / Ailment

  • 10 Ailments would mean $2.7 Million per month

silhouette photography of person
silhouette photography of person

Mr. Ashish Shah

The Mentor Mr. Ashish Shah has more than 30 to 35 years of experience. His elite clientele consists of billionaires, who are ranked among the top 3 in the world in their respective market segments / respective industry.

Over the decades he has been very closely associated with the super-rich, and he has a deep understanding of them.

Futuristic AI Technology

a yellow letter sitting on top of a black floor
a yellow letter sitting on top of a black floor

The platform at Painless24.com is using AI technology. All the workshops are AI-enabled.

AI is very good for technocrats, professionals, and people at all levels, but the current version of AI is very mechanical/robotic in nature.

But the main differentiation between all other existing AIs and this platform is that it has not lost the human touch at any level.

For a seamless experience, Painless24.com delivers AI with 100% human/mentor touch and feel, and your HNI clients will love and enjoy the human side of AI.

man sitting on blue sofa while reading book
man sitting on blue sofa while reading book

Social Proof

Mentor Mr. Ashish Shah has uploaded social proof on his site.

His billionaire clientele includes the following, but is not limited to -

  • Promoters of the wind-farming company ranked second in the world.

  • Promoters of the company dealing in non-ferrous metal ranked number one in the world.

Earn BIG with High Ticket Sales on Auto-Pilot!

Jump Start Here to Join Now